The Trout

It's most often pleasing, 
the sensation of sneezing, 
the feeling of getting it all out. 
It might be quite rude 
to do it over food, 
but it's made no difference 
to the Trout? 
cartoon trout fish

Boulder Dash

A Rock and a Reindeer ran a race on a long and winding road. 
They took to their start lines - after only a few wines 
at the Reindeers humble abode. 
That it took long to notice their pairing was bogus 
seemed odd as they joined the scene. 
On-watchers looked, though they hardly took a second glance 
had they saw they'd have seen. 
For in a fleeting moment, by the flash of a rodent 
the flag was waved and they won. 
A tie was taught and with only a thought 
the decision for equality was one.