The Trout

It's most often pleasing, 
the sensation of sneezing, 
the feeling of getting it all out. 
It might be quite rude 
to do it over food, 
but it's made no difference 
to the Trout? 
cartoon trout fish

Boulder Dash

A Rock and a Reindeer ran a race on a long and winding road. 
They took to their start lines - after only a few wines 
at the Reindeers humble abode. 
That it took long to notice their pairing was bogus 
seemed odd as they joined the scene. 
On-watchers looked, though they hardly took a second glance 
had they saw they'd have seen. 
For in a fleeting moment, by the flash of a rodent 
the flag was waved and they won. 
A tie was taught and with only a thought 
the decision for equality was one. 


There was once an old man, with a deep love for Flan, 
he'd giggle and dance with delight. 
He'd get so excited by a spoonful, he'd bite it 
with nary a thought for his plight. 
It drove from his mind those who dared undermine 
his affair with the syrupy pudding. 
He knew that they couldn't, as long as he wouldn't, 
let them tickle his brain with their teasing. 
So he'd coined a phrase, full of Flan-loving praise 
that he insisted most definitely pleasing. 
He'd stand in a crowd that was dreadfully loud 
and stoicly claim, standing upright and proud. 
"This Flan is flantastic! 
It's not much like plastic, 
it wiggles and wobbles without warning. 
I urge and implore you to spend time, 
explore you might find new ideas dawning. 
It's better than trifle, ice-cream's delightful; 
though brain-freeze is frightful, 
and cake's simply hard work to bake. 
So heed my advice, it's really quite nice, 
I'm sure it's biggest flan-fan you'll make. 
flan pudding

Hipster (ish)

So I was walking along in my fitted blazer, skinny jeans, moustache patterned shirt, listening to the sound of my rubber soled converse hitting the pavement as I went and I started contemplating the deeper meaning of the fact that the worn sole of my shoe beating the ground could be a metaphor for my actual soul being beaten; tired, lacklustre and in need of rejuvenation.
I made a note of the breakthrough - I'd blog about it later. Readers love nothing more than an insight into my sole.
Just then I walked past the most incredible smell coming from an open door (I know very well how Frozen describes love) so I went in. It was the perfect combination of baked goods and coffee. Immediately lulled into the calm friendly atmosphere, surrounded by the mellow buzz of intelligent conversation, well read pages being turned and the gentle tapping of laptop keys brought together by the background strumming of an unknown indie band singing poetry through speakers; I went over to the counter.
Greeting me with the warmest smile, the Barista asked my name and high-fived me like an old friend. It was the least awkward I'd felt in a social situation in a long time and I gratefully ordered my usual - Cappuccino with a shot of Ginseng.
The machine gurgled into action and a few minutes later the Barista delivered my order. Overcome by the overwhelmingly soothing smell of good coffee as it wafted from my hands to my nostrils and into my brain releasing a satisfying burst of dopamine, I sank into a happy stupor.
Picking a book from the selection on a nearby coffee table, I took a cross-legged seat on the overly comfortable couch and looked around. Soul undoubtedly revitalised, I realised I could happily have spent the rest of my life here....


Check out more Hister(ish) Coffee here

Why Fight?

Why fight at all? 
Why fight and squabble and squal? 
Why not talk to a wall 
and implore it to sneeze? 
Or stand on geese 
with a large block of cheese? 
Why not dance in a corner 
cheering up a tearful mourner? 
Balance on a hedge 
quoting a solemn pledge? 
Writing on the ceiling with a banana's appealing!? 
Why fight at all? 

The Coffee Cup

A coffee cup with not much luck waited by the frothing machine. 
He'd often be thinking, how nice to be drinking, 
someone from the brim of him. 

Though he never got chosen he'd sit still, frozen, 
as the Barrista's hand swept over. 

One would be selected, leaving him quite rejected, 
wondering what warm hands felt like. 

Then he'd watch as they'd fill up, the lucky chosen cup, 
with bitterly sweet coffee and foam. 

The customer would thank him, the Barrista a kind gentleman, 
would politely flash him a smile. 

At the end of the day, with not a customer to pay, 
the shop owner happily closed up. 

The coffee cup sat hopeful, dreaming only of being full, 
knowing that there would be his day. 

And in that glorious moment, when he'd surely be chosen, 
picked up and set under the machine. 

With his customer watching, he'd beam pride smiling, 
as hot water poured in to him. 

Then coffee and sugar and sweet frothy foam, 
he'd gently be given to a warm handed home. 
coffee cup

Rubber Band

pun rubber band

Deer and Unicorn

The Deer and the Unicorn shared a very deep love,
they knew it more powerful than most.

So they stood in a crowd, being dreadfully proud, raised
their glasses in a formal toast.

'The road is clear for Unicorn and Deer to
prance and dance and hug and kiss and live
our lives in wedded bliss.
We've come a long way, different though we may,
we know we couldn't be happier.
The future looks bright, we're sure that it might behove
the sound of Unideer.'
deer and unicorn