
There was once an old man, with a deep love for Flan, 
he'd giggle and dance with delight. 
He'd get so excited by a spoonful, he'd bite it 
with nary a thought for his plight. 
It drove from his mind those who dared undermine 
his affair with the syrupy pudding. 
He knew that they couldn't, as long as he wouldn't, 
let them tickle his brain with their teasing. 
So he'd coined a phrase, full of Flan-loving praise 
that he insisted most definitely pleasing. 
He'd stand in a crowd that was dreadfully loud 
and stoicly claim, standing upright and proud. 
"This Flan is flantastic! 
It's not much like plastic, 
it wiggles and wobbles without warning. 
I urge and implore you to spend time, 
explore you might find new ideas dawning. 
It's better than trifle, ice-cream's delightful; 
though brain-freeze is frightful, 
and cake's simply hard work to bake. 
So heed my advice, it's really quite nice, 
I'm sure it's biggest flan-fan you'll make. 
flan pudding

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